Progressing Ballet Technique (PBT)
Full Day Teachers Workshops
w/ Tutor Priscilla Law
Bookings through
Designed for teachers who wish to learn all 3 levels of Progressing Ballet Technique and be certified in PBT.
Places are strictly limited and will sell out.
Learn this technique of innovation to develop muscle memory to enhance ballet training. It will be explained how to transfer this innovative technique into your classroom. You will leave the workshop with a comprehensive training on the program, typed notes and certification in PBT.
Priscilla will go through in detail the difference stages of students’ development and what exercises to introduce and accelerate as the student becomes stronger. Development of a progression will be extended to the more Advanced levels of ballet training. Detailed will be given to you regarding the content of the combinations.
An explanation of the ‘how’ and ‘why” of the value of this program will be detailed. Question and answer time will be allocated. Explanation of the muscle groups that initiate different ballet exercises and a full discussion.
Outcomes of learning the Progressing Ballet Technique Program’s:
- an understanding of the activation of muscle memory to activate “turn out”
- an understanding of the activation of muscle memory to enhance “adage movements”
- an understanding of the activation of muscle memory to accelerate “allegro”
- an understanding of the activation of muscle memory to activate “batterie”
- an understanding of the activation of muscle memory for controlled landings
- an understanding of how to breakdown the exercises
- an understanding of how to build the exercises
- an understanding of the appropriate age relevant to each exercise
- an understanding of the correct muscle groups that assist each movement
Sun 19 August 2018
11:00 – 18:30 WIB
Eki Dance Company
Jl. Padang No.32
Jakarta, 12970
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