Naomi Kawases SUZAKU (1997)
This beautiful elegy is laid in a mountain village near Nara - a place from which the young leave, where the old die. The remnants of a family young girl, older boy stay on. She is attracted to him, he is drawn toward the wife of his dead uncle. But to put it that way is to suggest melodramatic complication, and there is none of that in this deliberately muted, purposely inarticulate film.
What holds the attention and compels the admiration is not only the lyric beauty of Maasaki Tamuras photography but the honesty of director Naomi Kawase. This is her first feature and in it she displays a most impressive integrity. There are no compromises, no emotional corner-cutting, no pandering to supposed audience tastes. With this film she joins a few other young directors (of Mabaroshi and Okaeri) who continue to honor those qualities that made Japanese film admirable.
(New York Times)
Entry: 35,000 IDR (for drinks and coffee)
The After Hours is a program that runs on weeknights, mainly focusing on 20th-century gems. The goal is to encourage Jakartans to tweak their work-gossip-complain-work lifestyle to something more substantial to dig (well..once in a while). The films are mostly 100 mins or less but with no subsequent official discussion. We guarantee youd have a good course of topic to talk about with colleagues the next day. If not, then we fail.
Notes for attendees:
The After Hours has first come first serve policy. So if you are on the waiting list you can still watch the movie as long as you come early on time to attend the screening. Also, after 08:15 pm we won't accept anymore guest because we do not want our attendees who come on time to be disturbed while watching the movie.
Kenobi Space
Colony Building, 6th Floor
Jalan Kemang Raya 6
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12730
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